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The Premier Equestrian and OTTO Sport Product Collaboration at PBIEC

By January 21, 2020No Comments
Equestrian Darragh Kenny

The International Arena at PBIEC features OTTO Sport Base Mats. (Photo credit: SportFot)

Two Industry Leaders, One Impressive Equestrian Arena

Sandy, UT January 21, 2020 – It was at the 2014 World Equestrian Games where the Presidents of Premier Equestrian, Inc and OTTO Sport International met to discuss a partnership for the North American market. Premier Equestrian, Inc. was looking for ways to expand their footing product line and OTTO Sport International GmbH was looking for a North American distributor. A deal was made and five years later, this partnership has reached a new milestone with Premier being chosen to supply the footing products for the International Arena at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC), home of the Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF), operated by Equestrian Sport Productions (ESP).

“ESP called us, they wanted a bid on OTTO Sport base mats to upgrade the International Arena”, said Mark Neihart, CEO of Premier Equestrian, Inc, “They wanted OTTO Sport Base Mats because OTTO is one of the very best. Of course, we had some competition and our products were tested alongside other leading brands. When the test results came in the decision to choose Premier Equestrian was obvious.”

The OTTO Sport Base Mat offers drainage, water conservation, stability, shock absorption and arena longevity. Designed specifically for equestrian sports, the mats are used in arenas and paddocks, set underneath the footing to create a true all-weather surface. OTTO Sport Base Mats create an ideal riding surface for the demands of horse show venues and minimize injury to tendons and joints. Michael Stone, President of Equestrian Sport Productions, summed it up this way: “ESP is committed to staying ahead of the technology curve when it comes to footing advancements. Our partnership with Premier Equestrian is dedicated to providing the best competition environment for both our human and equine athletes.”

Palm Beach Equestrian Center

OTTO Sport Base Mats are laid down in the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center’s International Arena. (Photo courtesy of Premier Equestrian)

“It all comes down to safety for our horses,” said Neihart. “ESP wanted the safest surface possible for its’ high-end international competitors. The OTTO Sport Base Mat was the best choice for safety and performance.” The mats act as a separation layer between the substructure of clean washed stone and the chosen footing. Locking rings prevent rocks from traveling up to the footing. Traction knobs of varying heights prevent horses from slipping while still allowing some hoof movement. Made from a resilient material, OTTO Sport Base Mats absorb up to 40% of the energy caused by the foot fall. Drainage holes, 252 per mat, remove excess water quickly, making the arena useable immediately after heavy rain. Meanwhile, the water retention system holds up to four liters per square meter of water, providing the correct moisture levels at all times.

OTTO Sport International GmbH has outfitted some of the most prestigious competition and training arenas in the world including: the 2016 Rio Games, Kentucky Horse Park, and Aachen. With Premier Equestrian being the exclusive North American distributor for OTTO Sport products, the two companies together provide a variety of options for creating an ideal riding surface. Clients receive the full benefits of these companies’ research, testing and many years of expertise. All of it is in service to their main goal of helping horses stay sound and comfortable over the long haul by working on a surface that makes them confident and capable of performing at their very highest level. “Representing OTTO Sport as the German company’s exclusive North American distributor is a perfect fit for Premier,” says Heidi Zorn, President of Premier Equestrian.

Premier Equestrian is committed to only selling products that are exemplary in safety and practicality to help preserve the well-being of the horse. OTTO Sport Base Mats are available in the United States, Canada, and Mexico exclusively through Premier Equestrian, Inc. Premier Equestrian offers a variety of installation and construction services from guiding you through the steps, guiding your contractor with engineered building plans, or recommending one of our preferred arena builders around the country. Each client receives a free sand analysis report and detailed phone consultation to get started on the right foot. For more information about OTTO Sport Base Mat specs and pricing, visit

Premier Equestrian, Inc is a leading provider of textile, fiber, and rubber arena footing products including: ProTex, ArenaAid and ProStride. Premier produces a full line of arena grooming equipment to supplement their arena footing business. Premier manufactures a popular line of dressage arenas and dressage letters and Premier Equestrian distributes horse jumps, training obstacles, barn accessories and stall mats and paddock mats. Premier Equestrian is based in Sandy, Utah. Call 800-611-6109 or visit

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