Sue Minton-Edison and “Z” all smiles receiving their Premier Equestrian Award. (Photo courtesy of Sue Minton-Edison)
Eugene, OR (September 11, 2018) – When it comes to our equestrian partners, there is little we wouldn’t do for them. Sue Minton-Edison went above and beyond when her newly imported gelding broke his knee and multiple vets said he’d never recover – even if the bone healed he’d never be safely ridden… he was doomed.
Shortly after import “Z” developed an infection. A CT scan was ordered and was negative but while recovering from anesthesia “Z” panicked and hyper extended his knee, fracturing a major bone in the joint. After conferring, the ‘experts’ agreed that the fracture would not heal. “Z” had no chance, and Minton-Edison should put him down. Minton-Edison wasn’t convinced. Recognizing in “Z” a willingness to fight, she sought people experienced in using alternative treatments, and even made a plea on Facebook for support. She refused to give up and with a calm determination and the help of “Z’s Village” at Silver Tail Farm, Minton-Edison and “Z” were at it 24/7 for the next four months giving Z nearly every therapy imaginable – from electrical stimulation to experimental stem cell treatments, from massages to psychic consultations, along with the obvious special feedings, and “hoof” holding required to keep “Z” happy and sane.
After four long months Minton-Edison led her beloved “Z” out of his stall for the first time. X-rays revealed the first part of Z’s miracle – against all odds the fracture had healed without displacement. Now rehab started, with months of gradually increasing hand walks, while alternative therapies continued. By October of 2015 Minton-Edison’s dream of riding “Z” had come true – along with the second miracle – he was sound! Their work to rebuild his strength continued slowly and cautiously – Minton-Edison always watchful for a weakness in the knee. But they were to be gifted with a third miracle – the knee was fine – and in time they returned to the show arena.
Minton-Edison has no doubt that a significant factor in “Z’s” successful rehab, and in his continued soundness, has been riding on Premier Equestrian brand footing – one more way to provide the best for “Z”.
Premier Equestrian honors the equestrian athlete whose culture demonstrates kindness, support, and exceptional sportsmanship and believes Minton-Edison transcended these qualities for her equine partner. Minton-Edison and “Z” will add the Premier Equestrian Award to their FEI AA High Point win at the Dressage at Devonwood. Currently holding the top rank in the USDF/KWPN of NA Musical Freestyle for AA I-1 with a median score of 70.257, they plan to compete in AA I-1 at Regionals later this month. Whatever the outcome they will persist in defying the odds with full knowledge that miracles DO happen!
Premier Equestrian will continue rewarding deserving equestrians with the Premier Equestrian Award throughout the rest of the show season. In addition to focusing on the people who make riding horses a good experience for all, the company focuses on the equipment that makes riding safe, comfortable, and enjoyable. Premier Equestrian is known for its advanced arena footing solutions that can improve horses’ performance while always keeping their wellbeing first in mind. To learn more about Premier Equestrian, please visit www.PremierEquestrian.com or call (800) 611-6109.