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Meet the Winner of the Premier Equestrian Dressage Arena Giveaway

By March 25, 2021August 28th, 2023No Comments

This article originally appeared on

Giveaway winner Colleen Smith and her horse Wiley

Imagine a brand new, freshly dragged arena, just waiting for you and your equine partner to step foot on it and do some training at your home base.  Now, imagine if you could WIN that arena!  That’s just what happened two weeks ago for one lucky rider in USDF Region 5.

Premier Equestrian, known as “The Horse Arena Company,” which focuses on providing performance and safety from the ground up, recently partnered with USDF to give one lucky winner a beautiful new Premier Equestrian Sundance Dressage Arena!  In addition to being Premier Equestrian’s most popular dressage arena, the Sundance arena is valued at $2,750 and is the same type currently featured at the Adequan® Global Dressage Festival.

The giveaway was hosted on social media, with followers of Premier Equestrian and USDF eligible to enter through Facebook or Instagram.  Over 2,000 followers entered the giveaway, which ran from February 22 – 28, 2021, and on March 1, Colleen Smith was announced as the winner!

Colleen Smith of Fort Collins, CO, had her dream come true by winning the Sundance Dressage Arena. She and her horse, Wiley, are already looking forward to many rides together in it.

“I grew up on a farm and have been riding horses my whole life!” Colleen shares. “I recently started eventing with my 15.1 paint, Wiley, and we’ve been loving it so much! It’s been a very humbling but rewarding sport, and I’m so excited to practice running through dressage tests in the new arena to get us in gear for the 2021 show season!”

USDF and Premier Equestrian wish to thank everyone who entered!  We hope to bring you more giveaway fun in the near future. Make sure you’re following USDF (FacebookTwitter, and Instagram) and Premier Equestrian (FacebookTwitterInstagram) to stay in the loop!

Didn’t win the giveaway but still interested in a new dressage arena? Shop Dressage Arenas and Accessories.


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